মূলঃ শাইখ মুহাম্মাদ বিন জামীল যাইনূ
অনুবাদ ও সম্পাদনায়ঃ হুসাইন বিন সোহরাব
হাদিস বিভাগ-ইসলামী বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়, মদিনাহ্, সৌদি আরব
শাইখ মোঃ ঈসা মিঞা বিন খলীলুর রহমান
লিসান্স ইসলামী বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় মদিনাহ্, সৌদি আরব
ইসলামী আক্বীদাহ্ – QA Server
'আপনিও হোন ইসলামের প্রচারক'
প্রবন্ধের লেখা অপরিবর্তন রেখে এবং উৎস উল্লেখ্য করে আপনি Facebook, Whatsapp, Telegram, ব্লগ, আপনার বন্ধুদের Email Address সহ অন্য Social Networking ওয়েবসাইটে শেয়ার করতে পারেন, মানবতার মুক্তির লক্ষ্যে ইসলামের আলো ছড়িয়ে দিন। ইসলামি দা’ওয়াহ্র ৮০ টিরও বেশী উপায়! বিস্তারিত জানতে এইখানে ক্লিক করুন "কেউ হেদায়েতের দিকে আহবান করলে যতজন তার অনুসরণ করবে প্রত্যেকের সমান সওয়াবের অধিকারী সে হবে, তবে যারা অনুসরণ করেছে তাদের সওয়াবে কোন কমতি হবেনা" [সহীহ্ মুসলিম: ২৬৭৪]
I would like to know that from where it is publishing? And who is organizing this site? And who is replying on any questions on Islam? And is it authentic the reply of any Islamic question?
Sorry to ask you a lot of questions, but we people are scared that who is real and who is fake, as many people/site are available in the net and maximum are fake and they are doing it to misguide people from the Islamic way.
Anyway Zajakallahu Khair
I would like to know that from where it is publishing?
Answer: we don’t publish anything from our own. We just use the work of renowned scholars.
And who is organizing this site?
This site is runned by the admins of Largest Islamic Page on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/iloveallaah
And who is replying on any questions on Islam? And is it authentic the reply of any Islamic question?
We don’t give any fatwaa from this site..
to know more visit https://quraneralo.com/aboutus/
//as many people/site are available in the net and maximum are fake and they are doing it to misguide people from the Islamic way.//
You are wrong brother. There are many good websites which provide authentic information. The main thing is “Whoever is guided by Allah cannot go astray, and whoever is misguided by Allah cannot be guided by anyone” [2:272]
May Allah guide us. Ameen
I fully endorse the view of Mr. Hamim. I can see 3 weeks is elapsed, but nobody responds to his question. In my opinion, It is safe not to follow any religious information from web-site. Because you don’t know whether they are true Muslims( the men behind the web-site) or a Munafeq or an unbeliever. Sometimes they refer renowned muslim scholars, but you don”t have any scope to verify how far correctly the “reference’ is reproduced.
Assalamu Alaikum Brothers
I am very happy with this site,thanks everyone whose created Quaraner Alo.com.Since beginning of this Islamic web I got much more advantages reading Islamic book,listening Islamic Lecture as well download Bengali Quaran and Bukhari Sjarif.
May Allah Reward you.
Today I have been reading a comment from a visitor,a brother asking some question about authenticity of replying answer,I’m agree with u and I have to say u must study/Read Quaran,Bukhari sharif on Bengali translation then u will get more answer.
Chittagong Port Authority.